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Showing posts from September, 2014

Londoners Urged To Stay Vigilant On The Underground

Tackling radicalised Islamisists and terrorists has deep-rooted solutions, such as proper education into what the religion of Islam teaches, counselling and understanding. I hate what IS are doing, but the people involved in these wrong doings are lost souls who need some sort of discipline, but not in violent terms. For those of you who are not aware, Britain is to go ahead with plans of attacks against IS. London Mayor Boris Johnson has urged Londoners on public transport to remain 'vigilant' on Friday. Although there has been no direct threat to London and its citizens, with all that is happening with IS and their immoral acts, it is no wonder we are being warned to be on our toes. Aside from the fear of now using public transport, I think the government should be more thoughtful about how the decision for Britain going into a third gulf war, can psychologically affect a Londoner's day to day living. Security is paramount here. I understand the government mentioned t...

Headteachers Not In Favour Of Uncalled Ofsted Inspections

Following on from the alleged Trojan horse plot in Birmingham schools, of which were said to be taken over by radicalised Islamist, Ofsted are currently undertaking inspections in about 40 schools, without any notice given. This decision was highly encouraged by Prime Minister David Cameron, who asked Sir Michael Wilshaw to consider doing inspections without informing schools. This has created a culture of fear and intimidation for teachers and head teachers more so, as now they are constantly on their tip toes. And that in itself is understandable, as an inspection requires extreme effort and resilience from teachers and staff members, as those in charge exert pressure, in order for them to maintain reputation for the school, or sometimes even improve. An Ofsted spokeswoman has been reported to say : "We have expanded the criteria for unannounced inspections. This will allow us to respond swiftly and publicly where concerns over discipline, safe guarding, poor leadership or...

Why Is There So Much Negativity In The Media About Islam?!

For quite some time, Islamic faith and Muslims themselves, have been repeatedly portrayed in a negative light by the media. This has contributed not to people’s knowledge about Islam, but people’s ignorance intertwined with hatred for Islam and Muslims alike.  As a young Muslim woman living in London, this is an offending subject, which needs to be addressed and solved to create consensus in society, and not conflict. On September the 5th, there was a moral panic and anxiety in the air, after a man beheaded an elderly woman in Edmonton. The media decided yet again, they can use this incident to fuel people's ignorance towards Muslims and Islam. Regarding this, the  front-page  headline in The Sun newspaper read, ' Muslim Convert Beheads Woman In London'.   Why on earth did they have to mention that he was a Muslim convert? Was this a strategic ploy to blame the religion of Islam for an individual's action? I don't see anyone including the fact that m...