Many inner-city communities in London are at the heart of a 'super-gentrification' process, in which housing and local environmental design is being transformed with 'ghetto areas' receiving an influx of middle-class and upper-class residents.You only have to look at areas such as Brixton where poverty rates are high and deprivation is very real, but at the same time, a few streets away from Central Brixton , you have properties so expensive, even those you think could afford them, cannot. Also, Hackney is an area in East London which is home to some of the most socially marginal members of society. Yet neighboring Hoxton is a melting pot of rich culture with its vast amount of cultural and art organizations at the heart of it. Super-gentrification to this extent creates a social divide among members of society and makes one's social class background become more of a marker in their life. This then fuels a culture of envy, rants and crime, particularly within ...
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