Now We Know What Clinton Was Hiding In Her Emails - US Allies Qatar and Saudi Arabia Are Funding ISIS
Donald Trump's series of lewd remarks in addition to numerous sexual assault allegations made against him have undoubtedly cast a shadow over Hilary Clinton. What I'm getting at it is this - Clinton knew all along about the US allies investing in ISIS. And what did she do about it? NOTHING! Trump has taken it upon himself to demand that Clinton releases the thousands of emails she had deleted. Clinton had been using a private email server, when she had been secretary of state. Lately, a batch of emails has been leaked to and from Clinton. One of these emails is a US state department memo dating back to the 17th of August 2014 relating to the funding of ISIS. The memo reads, "We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIS and other radical groups in the region." Since 9/11, one would have thought t...