I have been meaning to create this post since like two weeks ago, but I've been debating with myself whether or not I would possibly get chucked out of Uni, as a result of bringing things out in to the open. So yeah, it was a normal weekday, I've just come into the seminar room after having a very busy break, torn between eating so quickly my digestive system was crying along with catching up with my long-lost cousin ( I may write a post about that). Anyway, I stroll in and take a seat at the rear end of the classroom. The Seminar leader, (whom I am actually scared to name), gave each of us a worksheet with bullet points for discussion around the reading we was prescribe earlier on in the week. The seminar discussion starts, as always I have my hand up ready to answer each and every question, counter-act each and every statement and show off my intelligence to the class. I mean they all look shocked when I use my top-of-the-class vocabulary within the appropriate conte...
Covering Human Interest Stories & Giving My Opinion ..