Let me tell you about something personal that I had encountered earlier on this year. Me and my friend had travelled to The Old Bailey court to collect some money from friends nearby. It just so happened, that the day we decided to go there, the Lee Rigby case in relation to the Woolwich murders was commencing. I remember seeing a group of white people stood outside the court, chanting ‘ Justice for Lee Rigby’ , holding up banners and posters. While this was going on, I made the observation that a lot of press had arrived at the scene. There was cameras everywhere. As I enjoy being in front of the camera, I hurried along to where the camera man was along with my friend. A white woman, who was part of the group of Lee Rigby’s protestors, gave my friend a poster to hold up and encouraged my friend to participate in the chanting. I felt a little bit out of place, just standing there, google-eyed, so I joined in the chanting as well. As I did so, a white man remarked, ‘F*** you’ . ...
Covering Human Interest Stories & Giving My Opinion ..