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Showing posts from January, 2017

Trump's Refugee Ban Is An Attack On Muslims - Theresa May Has Finally Condemned This!

Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday, banning immigrants from seven Muslim countries: Syria,Sudan,Libya,Yemen,Somalia,Iraq and Iran. No less than a day later, chaos has emerged as a result of this grave crime against humanity. How have we regressed so much as a society that we now live in a time where someone like Trump can become president of the U.S? And how can such a high flying ex-business man lack the brains to come up with a far better strategy to combat terrorism, than to bully the entire religion of Islam? When I was younger, my dad used to joke and tell us that one day the British would ship us "..back to where we came from". It seemed funny and far-fetched then, not so much now. I keep saying over and over again, what a time to be Muslim. A few hours ago I was ranting, saying if May failed to produce an official statement/speech condemning Trump's Muslim ban, then I would no longer identify as being 'British'. How can I, when my very be...

Theresa May's Mental Health Focus Gives Me Hope

As a young adult who has previously had depression and now and again falls into the same dark hole, I was more than pleased with Theresa May's speech today. She has promised to have mental health training in all secondary schools, along with changes in the workplace and our communities. "..If you suffer from mental health problems, there's not enough help to hand," she said, with a hint of upset, discussing the injustices faced by our society. She carried on to say that we should "make mental illness an everyday concern for all of us." During my time in secondary school, I was always seen as the 'problem child'. Although I wasn't diagnosed with a mental health issue/illness back then, I knew there was something wrong with me. A deeper underlining layer that would explain my random outbursts of anger, extreme sadness and troublesome behaviour. I remember feeling so angry one day at school, that I was repetitively kicking the stage and pulling a...