Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday, banning immigrants from seven Muslim countries: Syria,Sudan,Libya,Yemen,Somalia,Iraq and Iran. No less than a day later, chaos has emerged as a result of this grave crime against humanity. How have we regressed so much as a society that we now live in a time where someone like Trump can become president of the U.S? And how can such a high flying ex-business man lack the brains to come up with a far better strategy to combat terrorism, than to bully the entire religion of Islam? When I was younger, my dad used to joke and tell us that one day the British would ship us "..back to where we came from". It seemed funny and far-fetched then, not so much now. I keep saying over and over again, what a time to be Muslim. A few hours ago I was ranting, saying if May failed to produce an official statement/speech condemning Trump's Muslim ban, then I would no longer identify as being 'British'. How can I, when my very be...
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