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Showing posts from April, 2015

Will There Be A Coalition Between Labour And SNP? Lets Hope Not.

David Cameron  is facing a lot of anxiety and distress at the thought of Labour and the SNP taking charge. He claims to have 'mended the economy'. whilst Labour have 'ruined it'. Although he emphasises that the economy is a pivotal aspect to this election, he has other worries on his mind too. With Nicola Sturgeon adamant to kick Cameron out of No.10 Downing Street, as well as initiating that she is willing to put  Ed Miliband in power, politics has faced a revolutionary structural change. Cameron and George Osborne warned that mortgage rates will rise for millions of Londoners, if the Labour and SNP c ome to exist in alliance. However, Labour is working to combat this by building social housing that is far more affordable, so that the younger generation can enjoy having realistic aspirations to own and buy their own houses. As much as I was quite confident in opting to vote for Labour , I am now facing a dilemma as to who I should elect into a trusted pos...

When Is It Going To Be Normal To Have A Mental Health Illness?!

I really don't understand why there is still so much stigma attached to mental health illnesses and those who are victim to them. With the added pressures modern society is undergoing, mental health is deteriorating and more and more people are being affected and it is no wonder. Modern society is a juxtaposition of complex rooted stresses alongside taken for granted eases. Someone whom I have known for now about a year and a about 4 months, has seriously concerned me. Since I have know him, I have witnessed what most people would run a million miles from, apart from the small minority of people who empathise with 'mad' or 'different' people. At first, he appeared normal .. we had normal conversations. But then one day everything just changed. We had a minor disagreement, and he called me the Shaytaan (Arabic word for Satan), and no not in a humorous way, his every word was oozing with anger and suspicion. I couldn't believe my ears. I remember thinking ...

I'm Voting For Labour!

With just about 6 weeks till the General Election in May, much anxiety if filling the hearts of British politically conscious people.  As a young person, I never really cared about politics, as it was spoon- fed to me, that all politicians are liars and scum-bags anyway. With that in mind, and not much understanding of how policies for health and education were directly affecting my life .. I was disengaged and uninterested in politics. Growing older and experiencing many difficulties financially, I realised how significant the roles of politicians are, in ensuring equal and fair opportunities for all. I started to familiarise myself with the main political parties and their leaders (I believe I learnt this whilst in secondary school, in my citizenship class, but I was too busy being the class clown - mind you,despite this, I done considerably well in my GCSEs). After watching the UK Election Leader's debate , though I am adamant that I will be voting for Labour on the 7...

The Male Gaze- I Can't Put Up With It Anymore!

The first time I was introduced to the phrase 'the male gaze' was in my A-Level Media studies class, a few years back. Laura Mulvey , a feminist theorist, coined this term to highlight the indecent nature of objectifying women in cinema. Though we studied her a lot, 'the male gaze' did not really speak to me and it didn't resonate. I was too naive at that point, that understand the impact a certain stare can have on one's honour and dignity. I mean I was used to seeing women dressed semi-naked in everything from food product adverts to car adverts, it was nothing new. Being a 21 year-old attractive woman ( if I do say so myself) , I am now concerned at the way 'the male gaze' has been appropriated, not just in film, but in real life. From the time I step outside my house, I am literally approached by men, every minute or so. No exaggeration intended. Now, I'm not being vain, or saying that my face is covered in glitter, nor do I wear revealing i...