If there is ever a woman I talk so highly about and with so much love, it is my nan (my maternal grandmother). Amazing, hilarious, courageous, stoic and with a heart of gold, my nan is the life and joy of those who know her. My nan and me Before she migrated to England, she lived a life of hardship and lack of opportunities, as was the case for many first-generation Bengali migrants. My nan was the first wife of my grandfather, but she got married again and now she is a widow, and has been for a long time. I won't get into my the make up of my mum's side of the family, because it does get a little complicated. Anyway, my nan has told me several times of the many occurrences where she had to tend to my mum when she was a crying and difficult baby under the guava tree. How she done all she could to nurture my mum and maintain care of her, before my mum was put into my nan's sister in law's care. My nan
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