Donald Trump Needs To Re-Evaluate His Conduct! He Is The Reason Behind Moral Panic And The Encourager Of Hatred Towards Muslims!
Donald Trump
Never did I think to myself that I would be living in a time and age where, 1) I am scared to walk the streets as a result of being Muslim and 2) Having to acknowledge that most people are ignorant about my religion and at their bliss hate me and my fellow brothers and sisters for their lack of knowledge and willingness to accept principles which may clash with theirs.
Donald Trump, a Republican party candidate for the 2016 presidential election in the U.S is an extremely biased and horrible man who has no morality, but yet wants to take on a leadership role. He is facing backlash after commenting that Muslims should be banned in entering the U.S, at the height of him trying ".. to figure out what the hell is going on." This statement alone is not only harsh but painful, have Muslims offended him so much, he views us all as terrorists? Has he never met a nice decent Muslim in his life? How can he be for the people if he isn't standing for the people, and just a few? So many questions racing through my mind, but so much sorrow in my heart and I'm not even exaggerating. I find it absolutely immoral and insensitive to categorise Muslims in such a way that they are portrayed as evil cult followers.
Let me make this clear for anyone who is reading this. Just like no two snowflakes are the same, neither are two people and so neither are two Muslims. You get your good and your bad in every race, religion, socio-economic background. As much as I believe stereotypes serve a function ins society in allowing us to understand people better by rapidly adapting to environments and situations. However to demonize an entire religion or culture is at the very least unethical and uncalled for. Yes, this year there has been an unfortunate array of terrorist attacks, but this does not justify the ill attitudes and treatments of Muslims all over the world. Not surprising that this wouldn't have made the bulk of mainstream media coverage, but many Muslim brothers and sisters across parts of London were psychically and verbally attacked after the Paris massacre. Yet this wasn't the priorities in regards to news bulletins and headlines, yet it needs to be mentioned that one is a Muslim as long as there is a negative story to go along with it.
For example, I just tweeted The Metro newspaper telling them that they are Islamphobic for the simple factors they like The Sun (but hey I expect it from such a shit paper) unjustly feel the need to mention 'Muslim Convert' and 'bomb' in the same sentence. This reflects hatred towards Muslims and the urge to 'other' us. A message to Trump and all the ignorant fairies and drunkards that want to jump on the bandwagon in regards to his hate preaching : YOU CAN OTHER MUSLIMS AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE. YOU CANNOT STOP THE FACT THAT ISLAM IS THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION IN THE WORLD. THERE IS BEAUTY TO ISLAM.
Trump disturbingly is winning over massive audiences at the expense of his outward racism and Islamophobia, rather than loosing the public's interest. This is what is worrying me. We have a society who believe ISIS is Islam, and no I am not paranoid (as many have told me), and yes I am generalizing, but you don't see what I see or experience what I experience. Weird and frightful glances on the train, noses going up in the air and people shifting when I proclaim 'Alhamdulillah' (Allah be praised) after sneezing ... Truth is, unless you're a Muslim, your understanding will always be de attached and as a result you will be the least empathetic.
I am very concerned about the moral panic that Trump is creating through his speeches and conduct. He is the main reason most of America is left feeling petrified and in paranoia, having just gone through the California shooting by radicals. If you ask me, politicians and the media are responsible for the current social issues we are facing now as humanity. They are dividing us up even more through brainwashing discourse and manipulated images of representation. In addition, with Cameron's decision to launch air strikes into Syria and disregard the killing of innocent Syrian civilians, it makes me sick to my stomach that those in power and of a good relative education are not seeing the bigger picture. This is exactly what ISIS want, they want to create a huge contrast between Muslims and the rest of the world and we are falling into this trap. It is only by nurturing this contrast and opposition that they have better scope for more recruits and more vengeful attacks.
My heart is hurting right now at the social injustices we face in today's globalized age of terror, poverty and malice. I have hope we can fight ISIS, I have hope people can learn to love Muslims and I have hope we can live in a better world and more happily.